Friday, 28 March 2014

The elephant.....

The latest photos of Ilana's elephant. You can see it is really starting to take shape!

Litter pick in Roydon

All the children from our class took part in a litter pick today. We walked down 'Swamp Lane' into a forest area and back along the green searching for litter that had been dropped. We were happy to do our bit for our local environment and made sure we separated rubbish into recyclable and non-recyclable items.

Well done 5/4 Deer!

Congratulations Megan!

Everyone in the school had the opportunity to enter a 'design a lunch' competition in preparation for Tuesday 1st April when the school takes over our kitchen.

There were lots of great recipes and designs for meals. However he winner was 5/4 Deer's very own Megan! Megan designed melted cheese and bacon on waffles. This will be served next Tuesday. Yum!

Friday, 21 March 2014

100 word challenges

By Bartek:

By Elliot:

By Gabrielle:

By Ilana:

By James:

By Jenson:

By Megan:

Monday, 17 March 2014

Congratulations Ilana

During the spring term, the whole of the school were asked if they would like to enter a competition. This competition involved decorating an elephant. The winner's design would be cast on a large elephant that would be placed in Chapelfield shopping centre, Norwich.

He winner was Deer class' very own Ilana! Work has begun on the elephant and Ilana and some of her friends have been busy painting. The completed design will be on display closer to Easter.

Ilana will also be appearing in the Diss Express this week, along with the rest of the Deer class. Congratulations Ilana! Check out her design below.

Science work on parts of a flower

In science we have been dissecting flowers and studying the male and female parts. We also sliced down the stem to see how water travels up it. We recorded our work using the iPads and an app called skitch.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Sewage soup with Anglian Water

On Monday, Rachel from Anglian Water came in to speak to us about what we are putting down our sinks and toilets and the effect hey are having on our sewers.

In groups we made predictions and tested various different household items including cooking oil, toilet paper, tea bags and cotton buds.

It was lots of fun and we learnt a lot about our sewage systems. Also making sure we not blocking our sewers.